Showing posts with label kid's massk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kid's massk. Show all posts

Monday, February 1, 2021

6 Essentials for an Effective Face Mask

COVID 19 pandemic has brought many changes in our day-to-day life. Some of them are good and some of them are not good. But, whatever might be the present situation there is nothing we can do but to accept it. So, we need to be careful because we are not still in the good olden days, and in these troublesome times our face mask becomes our first line of defense. Mask is a must now, and the government has also enforced strict rules to make people wear masks. There are different kinds of masks like men masks, women masks, kid’s masks, cotton masks, etc. So what are some essentials for an effective face mask? 

The 6 Essentials:

According to the CDC (centre of Disease Control and Prevention), there are things which are essential for a mask. They are

1. The mask should have two or more layers of washable, breathable Fabric.

The face mask should have a good number of layers and at the same time should be breathable because that is when it is effective and serve its purpose of blocking unwanted particulates from entering our body.

2. It should completely cover your nose and mouth.

The face mask should completely cover our nose and mouth without leaving any gaps. It should also fit snugly against the sides of your face and should not have gaps. 

3. The mask should not have valves or vents which allow the virus to escape and enter

An effective mask doesn’t have any vents and valves which provides a path for the virus. So, we should avoid using masks with filter valves, etc.

4. It should be washable

We all have our budget, and we can’t cross it. We can’t just use and throw the mask away. Even the government suggests using reusable and washable masks. So an effective face mask should be washable.

5. It should be comfortable while using for long time

We generally use masks most of the time of the day. During this time, it should be gentle and should not cause any discomfort. Face Structure also comes into picture here that is why we have men masks and women masks separately. We will see more about that in the next point.

6. It should fit your face shape

Women and men have different face structures. Suppose if a man buys a women mask or vice versa it will only cause discomfort. That is why we need to buy the masks that are intended for us. We have masks for everyone namely men masks, women masks, and kid’s masks. These kinds of masks are made separately for their age group and face structure so that it fits their face without any problem.

Now there is one more thing people are looking at nowadays in a face mask and that is whether it looks good on them or not. Designs also vary in women masks and men masks giving them the chance to choose. We have no choice in deciding whether we want this pandemic or not? At least we should have the choice in the type of mask we choose, right!!  With this, we can get a clear idea about the 6 essentials of an effective face mask. So, be safe and we can get through these difficult times together.


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